College of Nursing Welcome To

Our Mission

The program seeks to prepare students for a career in international standard professional nursing. The CON places a special focus on local issues but also strives to make graduates qualified for global opportunities in higher education and employment.


The IUBAT CON is dedicated to the ideals of compassionate care, respect for the individual and high standard technical nursing skills. Qualified nurses will use knowledge creatively to improve health care and build professionalism in the nursing community. The CON aspires to being a driving force for a future that sees nursing as one of the most desirable professions in Bangladesh.


1. Demonstrate the use of nursing process in theoretical (written) and practical organization / delivery of nursing care within a variety of situations. 2. Provide the rationales for basic nursing interventions. 3.Master nursing skills with a level of competence that ensures safety, promotes comfort and respect for the patient and other members of the health team.

Faculty Members

World class experienced faculty members are always ready to provide their knowledge to you. Come and see our faculty members and how they help you to shine in life.


Prof Dr Abul Kahir
Dean (in charge), College of Nursing

Prof Mohammad Ullah, Chair, College of Nursing

Prof Mohammad Ullah
Professor & Chair

Shuvashish Das Bala

Shuvashish Das Bala
Associate Professor & Coordinator


The IUBAT College of Nursing offers men and women a program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).  The program seeks to prepare students for a career in international standard professional nursing with the goal of improving health care and overall quality of life in any country.   Successful graduates will have skills as care givers, organizational consultants and educators and can expect excellent opportunities in public or private organizations in Bangladesh or abroad.  They will also have the foundation to move forward into Masters or PhD level graduate studies in nursing or other health-related fields.

The program includes coursework in communication skills, the social, biological and physical sciences supportive to nursing and technical nursing skills with a strong emphasis on practice as well as theory. Graduates of the program in nursing qualify to receive registration from the Bangladesh Nursing Council. Upon completion of practical experience, graduates are eligible to write the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become registered nurses in the USA.

It is possible to transfer completed course credits from IUBAT to collaborating institutions in North America and Europe for completion of BSN degree requirements.  Students should be aware that transfer regulations differ depending on the institution involved and expenses will be in the currency of the country of transfer and not related to the fee structure of IUBAT.

The medium of instruction at IUBAT is English. Since, IUBAT places great emphasis on achieving a high level of competence in both written and oral English, the program includes a series of courses on use of the English language.



