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Khadiza Akter

Khadiza Akter

Senior Lecturer
MPH (Daffodil University),
BSc in Nursing (Armed Forces Medical Institute Under BUP)

Room # 714   Ext # 446

Khadiza Akter joined as a full time faculty member in College of Nursing (CON), IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology in January, 2016. She completed her B.Sc. in Nursing from Armed Forces Medical Institute under Bangladesh University of Professionals in 2014.

She was awarded with “Gold Medal” from the Chancellor (Bangladesh University of Professionals) for her excellent academic result in BSc in Nursing. Before joining at IUBAT, she has served at icddr,b as a research assistant in centre for reproductive health for 1 year. Now she is pursuing her Master in Public Health from Daffodil International University.